PROJECT: Daily Quarantine Adventures is a community engagement and social media campaign for Letasca launched during the lockdown in Italy
Social distancing and home quarantine made the Letasca group long for a little fun, so Daily Quarantine Adventures started off as a work-from-home creative activity within the team and soon generated interest and engagement with the #letasquad community, who shared their #DQA adventures with us as well!
We discovered laundry laureates, soon-to-be masterchefs, closet artists, snack-obsessed couch surfers, indoor photographers and many more quarantine personalities.
The #DQA concept revolves around showcasing your daily objects and essentials that you would carry in your Letasca pockets, while at home during this period of social distancing. Essentials ranged from masks and sanitizers to kitchen whisks and paint-brushes. We also noticed a reduction in smartphones In the photographs, that are usually always a daily essential.
Studies show that the hierarchy of needs among people has evolved and changed within the last two months; currently divided into three categories: survival, acceptance and embrace*.
Survival mode is about stocking up on health and sanitization products and then building a panic pantry by hoarding food and snacks. Acceptance mode involves games and hobbies to kill boredom, upgrading #smartworking environments at home and getting creative with cooking. People in embrace mode have needs that are focused on self-improvement, from ‘power-nesting’ by re-decorating their homes and focusing on fitness regimes.